Saturday, October 3, 2009

West Coast Sept 09

Back in July when I was in Telluride I was convinced it was one of the most beautiful places I have ever painted at. I still think highly of Telluride but after making my second trip out to California for the SLO competition in late September, I was absolutely amazed at how stunningly beautiful California is. The ocean adds a dimension that exceeds any previous thoughts I may have had.
Midwestern or not, it is absolutely amazing.
The color, the light, the saturation, the movement, the atmosphere, the overwhelming rush you get when attempting to paint the pounding surf is unexplainable. California is without a doubt one of the top choices for me as far as painting locations go. I have heard Hawaii tops all, but for right now I cannot comment, I can only imagine.
San Luis Obispo is very beautiful, with a lot of diversity. I feel very inspired and have taken numerous photos. I am anticipating a long winter back in WI and figure these wonderful warm scenes will serve me well.

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