Friday, February 28, 2014

What is it about GRAYS?

I have read numerous times about the importance of grays.

I understand what they do and why they do it, however I am often fascinated at the power they have over me.

I am not a tonal painter and yet I would not consider myself a colorist by any stretch even though I love color.
However I am truly fascinated by grays. The subtleties, the variety, and their ability to bring everything together.
I have been on this Italian kick lately and again cannot say how much I have really enjoyed the grays of Italy.

Just a couple that were finished up this week.

Il Cancello  16" x 12"

Tutto e` Tranquillo  24" x 18"


Denise Rose said...

So true! Love those grays! It took me a long time to understand when artists talk about "grays" they don't just mean the COLOR gray! haha! You know I can be a little sloooowww being from the South, right? Great paintings!!

eric bowman said...

Yeah, grays are where it's at; the true "colour" of nature. Takes awhile to wean ourselves from the colour we learn as children from crayons or rainbow spectrums - those colours excite and attract immature senses, but the muted versions of that spectrum bring in the "real"colours of life. Ken does this with a palette void of a tube green too...very nice.