Thursday, June 16, 2011

Painting from Life versus using Photos

Here is an example I wanted to share seeing that so many times I am asked about the use of photos. They have their place however more often than not even with the advances of digital photography, I am amazed at how much more I see and experience when working from life.
Here is a painting I did at Bethesda Fountain in Central Park of a fellow painter, Paul Casale.
Below it I attached a photo I shot as well, always clicking away just as a back up of reference material.
You can see how especially in this case that the photo becomes very contrasty and looses all the good variances in the darks and even washes out the light.

Many years ago while studying watercolors under Irving Shapiro at the American Academy of Art in Chicago, he said you can bracket your photos, taking one that is light, one as the meter suggested, and one that is dark to try and capture all of the necessary elements of the scene, he also stated that instead of having one bad photo to work from, now you have three. Painting out on location definitely has its place.

Getting that POP

This past week in Cranford I saw a really good example of applying the paint to get that extra bang for your buck.
This painting was done by Hai- Ou Hou of Maryland.
She really got the green light to pop off the canvas visually as well as physically.
It seems to have been executed by using a tube of paint versus a brush.

You go girl!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Paint The Town, NJ

Will Williams, ready for battle.

Mangia! Mangia!

Paul painting the Antique Shop Window

Bethesda Fountain, Central Park NY

Paul Casale being a rock star!

Thanks to all the folks in Cranford!
Wonderful time painting in New Jersey. Felt like I was in Easton due to the oppressive heat they had but all in all it was fun.
We even got to go into Manhattan for a day, Central Park, Bethesda Fountain, I can see why Chase spent 4 years painting there, pretty amazing.
The Jersey Shore was a nice place to get away from the heat, there was a great breeze. Tried to paint at Bedford Harbor earlier that day and just about died, way too hot! Lots of characters at Asbury Park and some great old architecture too.
Felt like I was back in Little Italy every now and again, thanks to Paul and John.
Congrats to Garin!

Host Families

After doing plein air events for the last 6 years I have obviously stayed with my share of host families.
Always a treat to meet someone new and be invited into their homes as well as their lives.
I am grateful to have always been placed with wonderful people. Usually that is the case but I have heard a few stories.
This past week in Cranford NJ I stayed with a lovely family and their kids.
Upon my arrival I was greeted with this wonder unsolicited note from their daughter.
What a treat to be thought of in such a way and looked up to in a sense. What a little sweetie!
Thanks again!

Blogging (Chatting with Stapleton)

I was in New Jersey this past week for "Paint the Town" and met Stapleton Kearns, nice guy.
Sounds like he has blogged for over 900 continuous days, makes me look pretty bad I must admit, the guy is obviously on a mission. Haven't read his blog yet, suppose I should, can't even imagine what he can come up with on a daily basis. You go Stape!